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The code of conduct lays the foundation for a good working climate and a successful business. Svekon’s values are the basis for how we treat each other and run a successful business in a healthy and responsible way.

The code of conduct is not intended to cover all possible situations, but should be seen as a support and guidance for how we conduct our business. The code of conduct is neither intended to replace nor compete with existing laws and regulations, but should be seen as a complement to current laws, agreements, internal rules, regulations and guidelines that exist. 

Svekon follows the laws and rights that exist in Sweden and the world. In addition to our own values – responsiveness, competence and commitment – we refer to the UN’s Global Compact, the UN’s guiding principles for business and human rights and the UN Declaration on Human Rights. 



At Svekon, we care for people and the planet in all our decisions and actions. 

All employees must have equal opportunities for employment, training and development within the work. This is regardless of gender, transgender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, ethic affiliation, religion or other belief, nationality, marital- or family status. Svekon must also work to actively counter and prevent discrimination, harassment and other abusive treatment. 

Svekon trusts its representatives’ ability to solve our business tasks in a responsible manner. All Svekon’s representatives have responsibility for themselves and others’ safety and health within the workplace. We consider the consequences of our actions and work to have as pleasant a working climate as possible. 

Svekon strongly encourages its representatives to choose efficient means of travel with respect to the environment, cost, safety and well-being of the traveler. Whenever it is possible, we advocate virtual collaborations.



Svekon’s success is based on contributing to the client’s success. Therefore, we are honest, fair and respectful. We respect our colleagues, clients, and care about the integrity of other stakeholders. 

We handle all information in an accurate and secure manner that does not harm employees, clients, Svekon or other stakeholders. Personal data is always processed legally and with respect for privacy and confidentiality. 

We always do our best to deliver high quality results, within the agreed timeline and in accordance with budget. We always strive to understand our customers, suppliers and the needs of other stakeholders. 

We protect Svekon’s and our client’s material- and immaterial assets against loss, damage and misuse. Svekon does not accept conflicts of interest, where private interests collide with Svekons’s or our clients interests. We do not accept corruption, or any form of bribery, and work actively to prevent it. We undertake to fully comply with the legislation on anti-money laundering. 

Svekon does not tolerate, and work actively to prevent, any form of child- or forced labor in any form.

All our partners, such as sub-consultants and other parties that work for Svekon, must follow the ethical principles described in this code. 



All people are different, act differently and have different characteristics. At Svekon, everyone must work so that these traits are taken care of in the best way, and work to create mutual respect and mutual understanding.

Svekon cares for an inclusive work environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, accepted and affirmed for their unique qualities. All ideas and opinions are welcome, with the common goal of building a good working environment. We always take care of our own and other people’s time. 


Svekon’s goal is for all employees to feel comfortable bringing up and discussing ethical questions with colleagues and managers. 

If we discover that we are deviating from this code, we take action to correct this. We do this by primarily talking to those involved, whereupon we take action with necessary measures. 


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